Guide Bathroom Vanity Tops: How to Make the Right Choice

· Home and Decor

Whether remodelling the bathroom or designing a new one, the vanity top certainly has the power to make everything easier, faster and more affordable. Also known as countertops, bathroom vanity tops only make things look better thanks to the large selection ranging in size, type, model, material, colour and pattern. All of this gives you the chance to pick the right one for your needs.

Things to Consider Before Buying a Countertop


Concrete countertop

When it comes to choosing durable and easy-to-maintain bathroom vanity tops only, you really should consider the idea of choosing ones made from quality and durable materials. A lot of materials can be used for the production of this bathroom product, however, not all of them are good for the purpose. That is why you should consider only the ones that are made from good quality materials like the following.


Marble is a type of material that has been used in bathrooms since ever. It is known for it's unique looking appearance, its elegance and design. Being a natural stone means that each marble stone piece is unique and cannot be copied, which is one of the reasons for its use in bathrooms. Thanks to its uniqueness, marble stone used for the production of bathroom countertops will make your bathroom stand out from the rest. The best thing of all is that you can chose from a large selection of marble colours and hues which gives you the chance to pick the one according to your personal preference.

An important thing to have in mind when choosing a marble bathroom countertop is to choose one that has been previously sealed in order to prevent staining. Given the fact that marble is is porous, water drops can leave marks on it which is why you really should choose one that is sealed.


This natural stone is another commonly used material for the purpose. Unlike marble which is more basic and restricted in appearance and look, granite can come in a variety of looks, colours and designs which makes it one of a kind. It is completely different from marble in appearance and it seems to be more durable than it. It is said that granite is and extremely durable material that also happens to be resistant to scratches, stains and heat. However, just like marble, granite is also porous which means that it will absorb liquid quite fast which will lead to the appearance of water rings, buildup, bacteria and mildew. In order to avoid everything, you will need to seal it regularly which can be a bit annoying and time-consuming. This certainly makes it the ideal choice for the purpose, however, those of you who enjoy the look of marble can certainly invest in the pre-sealed versions which will provide you with the same result.


When compared to the aforementioned types of materials, quartz seems to be the most durable and easy-to-maintain type of material. It is heat and scratch-resistant and it comes in a variety of colours and shades. Given the fact that water and soap won't make any damage of it, this makes it the most preferred option of all, especially when compared to granite which needs to be sealed on a regular basis.

Countertops made from this material are extremely appealing, so if you are looking for something that requires little to no maintenance at all, then you should certainly consider the idea of investing in quartz bathroom countertops.


Bathroom countertop


When it comes to choosing the right model, aside from taking into account the material, you really shouldn't forget about the idea of investing in the right type. Generally speaking, vanity tops for bathrooms can be integrated and cut-out. The integrated models of countertops means that the sink basin is already incorporated into the vanity top because it is moulded into the countertop material. The best thing about investing in such a countertop is that you won't have to buy a separate basin. Additionally, such basins and countertops don't have any rims or lips which make sit a lot easier to clean and maintain.


As the name suggests, these vanity tops have pre-cut opening/s into which you should install the separately bought basin. For the purpose, you will need a drop-in sink or an undermounted one which is basically attached to the lip of the cut-out. The bets thing of all about installing a vanity of this kind is that you are not limited by the sink choice. On the contrary, the choice is huge which allows you to pick the one that best meets your needs.

Single and Double Bowl

The single bowl integrated vanity top has one sink that can be undermounted or fused with the countertop. When choosing a countertop of this kind, keep in mind that the basin is usually placed in the centre.

Double-mounted countertops have two basins and are fused with the countertop. They offer a sleek appearance and don't require caulking. The double basin model of vanity is ideal for being used by two or more people.